Thursday, June 09, 2005
Once there was a prof
The prof wrote a book, took a course, announced the mid-semester exam an open book exam, and that the only book that was to be "open" was the book he wrote.
In the end he gave 14 Fs and other similar grades to the batch that had purchased the book with such fondness.
7 years down the line, the book has found its way to an international audience on the net - available for a whopping dollar 60 (and a bit more). This has led to discussions among the sufferers. A snapshot follows (with names masked). I am hoping for a few more such messages. I'll keep adding if there are.
Vivacious C. wrote:
Guys XYZ's book is available on for only $6x.yy. Please review this book on nile so that the world can finally knowwhat a masterpiece it was
Dynamic J wrote:
I saw some fine books by Feynman for 10 bucks on amazon..And this one is $6x? I dont think we need a review,the price puts it down already.. I cant believe I read this trash (more than one time) onlyto get a CC. N its such a shame that this 175Rs (orwas it275?) book made it as one of the 3 books that i boughtinwhole btech..!
Kalashnikov wrote:
I remember that one fine day when I, Botox and Kingsy got kicked out of XYZ's class for goofing up during his lecture... I cant believe the 3 of us actuallywent over to his house to beg for his forgiveness (read that as to prevent a FF).. Botox, Kingsy: i swear on my BC "its payback time :)".. what say we knock his b&lls out when we go to IITthe next time .. :) .. ..
Abashed stop grinning :)
Shakin' A wrote
Probably every book that sells has a signature and a personal note on 'how to make a trivial amount ofmoney (275 x 80 = Rs. 22,000)' from the author which makes it so precious. I invested 275 to pass the course by reading it duringexams. Midsem let me read it up to page 55 but to mysurprise the end sems were closed books. I kicked myself to not sit with good ol' Harrison S to read it properly during the end sems. But it was a blessing in disguise because eventually the author summoned some of our mates who read thebook very well ... I was lucky because I did not.