A world where all is free
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
And then there were students
Pl check out the review for the book at

More comments..

Abominable said
Though 'crap-weasel' is like the best new noun i'veheard in a long time LOL,I actually think waterboy is right...all you guys who'reraging at TSR should stop to think whether wecompletely misjudged him all these years. I think thefact that some junta retained the books shows a deepfreudian admiration of the book which perhaps peerpressure is not letting them admit to. And as maladpointed out it helped some of us learn a lot (e.g. ADgot an AA)...maybe chau you should change the rightworth of the book to 0.000002 (i didnt keep track fothe 0s but you get the drift...or should i say current:)As Farhat's signature says 'don't think twice beforelistening to your heart.'PS: Also I suggest we all go and click on yes i foundchau's review helpful :))

Waterboy said
Enough with the grades suckers.
PS: I flunked the lab

Malady (w) said
We have hope I am still regretting the fact that I didnt buy more of his books and increase my net worth And I am also enlightened to know that King, Kalashnikov, Abominable and myself didnt have a different IQ level after all. All of us got CC in Digital Measurement Techniques course.
Thank you all

Waterboy said
To refresh your memories from amazon, these are the most used phrasesin the book not used anywhere else..:Statistically Improbable Phrases (SIPs): (learn more)auto ranging circuit, voltage ratio meter, reciprocating curve, zerophase condition, sampling wattmeter, minimum total resistance, phasecompensation method, hybrid multiplier, ith comparator, widthconverter, shunt reduction, digital ratio, digital phase meter,counting time interval, inverted ladder, shunt method, unknowncapacitor, voltage transfer characteristic, programmable gainamplifiers, programmable amplifier, minimum spread, voltage transferfunction, null frequency, converted gains, clockwise hysteresis

Waterboy said some more
" The only way to recoup your $4 is to take those circuit diagrams and pitch a> couple of diodes and triodes here and file a patent on your name. You can then try to sell the patent :)"

If you change "try to sell the patent" to "stick it up your ass" it sounds really funny

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