A world where all is free
Monday, April 04, 2005
Mankind, Ah!

Outside Rear View Mirror
Originally uploaded by Ralli.

An observer of mankind will find numerous instances of logica absentia.
(There is no such term. I just invented it. But the meaning can be derived.)

Consider for instance, the existence of a certain sect of people, united by the fact that they do not use their side-view mirrors while driving; i.e. they keep it "shut". The reason, apparently, is to keep it intact, and not expose it to potential homicides who believe in driving within 2 mm of the next car, and are abundant on Indian Roads.
Somebody tell me, if you are not going to use it anyway, why the need to protect it in the first place?!

Another example is from the movie "Anari" starring Karishma Kapoor. Karishma Kapoor's (elder) brothers are told by astrologers when she is born that she would marry against their wishes. So they ground her at home till she is ready to marry, apparently with the intent that she does not see a man (other than them and an innocent servant, but thats a different matter).
I ask, why bother? Either you believe the astrologer in which case she would elope no matter what you do, or you do not believe the astrologer in which case it doesn't matter anyway!

In my opinion, Astrology in itself is an ignoratio elenchi (this word does exist and I just encountered it and I felt I must use it somehow. I might be stretching the definition, too, but you get the idea. It means the logical fallacy of presenting an argument that may in itself be valid, but which proves or supports a different proposition than the one it is purporting to prove or support). For, even if you were able to genuinely predict your future, there would be no advantage in knowing about it. Yet, mankind spends hours musing over this issue.

Another example is my experience when I lost my debit card. Everytime I told someone about it, I was asked "Really, where?" Now, if I knew where I lost it, I wouldn't call it lost, would I?!

I wonder why. Do you think Dolphins do the same?

I think Douglas Adams has written in a very definitive manner about the way Dolphins feel.. or felt.. just before they left Earth.
Reminds me of the joke about Kansa:

Someone predicts that Devika's child will kill Kansa. So he imprisons Devika... along with her husband! The eight child kills that old fool.
You lost your debit card???!! How?? [I didn't ask where *grin*]

Hey, BTW, that Anari 'ignoratio elenchi' was my profound insight.You need to give me credit for it.
I always fold the mirror at night. Otherwise you get blinded by vehicles behind you, if they are using high beam (which they always do in bangalore)
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